Freeze dried fruit and vegetables maintain 95% of all their nutrients V.S. “dried fruit / veggies”. Nutrients include vitamins, minerals, fibre and bioactive nutrients (often pigment compounds known as polyphenols and carotenoids). Are found in Freeze Dried Fruit. The idea that fruit is good for you is largely based on the fact that many fruits have a low energy (calorie) content and are packed with nutrients.
“The best freeze dried edibles is by far High Produce” said actor Tom Bailey
Freeze Dried process is mainly linked to the relatively short period of heat treatment used to blanch food before freezing compared to longer heat treatments for canning. Freezing generally is a good way to preserve nutrients compared to other methods like canning and refrigeration.
Freeze Drying (losing water) concentrates the fruit’s sugar dramatically. For example, apricot sugar levels rise from 9.5% when fresh to 54.2% when dried.
Although the World Health does not classify dried fruit as something we should limit in the diet. This is why some have described dried fruits as like sugar bombs.
One of the first documented instances of the freeze drying process was developed several thousand years ago atop the towering Andes mountains. Puna grasslands of Peru, the local indigenous peoples noticed that if they allowed potatoes to freeze in the frigid mountain nights. And then set them out in the sweltering daytime sun, the vegetables would dry out quickly and remain unspoiled for much longer.
A 2004 study of fresh blackberries found that levels of antioxidants were four times greater in ripe blackberries compared to underripe versions of the same fruit.
With freeze drying, fruits and vegetables can be picked at their ripest, when produce is packed with nutrients. In this way, freeze-dried foods can be even better for health than fresh foods.