The Magic Of HHC Products

For many, hemp-derived products are nothing more than a legal replacement for marijuana. Some might say, “I am only using this because I cannot get my hands on marijuana.” Others might believe, “I have tried Delta 8 THC a few times, but nothing is like marijuana.” Although many love the high from marijuana, they might be blind to the psychoactive euphoria from alternative cannabinoids. If you love marijuana but are hesitant to try alternative cannabinoids, you should take the dive and try some HHC products.

Some of you have likely tried alternative cannabinoids, like Delta 8 THC. Although they provide a similar high to marijuana, they are not identical. Even if you tried Delta 8 THC or other alternative cannabinoids and were underwhelmed, you should give HHC a chance. HHC is just as strong as marijuana, so the dose easily translates. Also, the high is similar but is more of a “body” high. Furthermore, HHC rarely causes paranoia, which can be a significant side effect of marijuana. HHC is not a one-to-one replacement for marijuana but is its own enjoyable alternative experience.

You might need to learn more about HHC, so we are here to fill the information gap. We will give you a brief history of HHC, how HHC is legal, what the HHC high is like, and some great HHC products you can enjoy. Once you finish reading, you will want to try the magic of HHC products.

The History of HHC

HHC is a cannabinoid; cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemicals in marijuana. The more famous cannabinoid counterparts of HHC are THC and CBD, but there are over 200 natural cannabinoids. These cannabinoids are all contained within cannabis, but cannabinoids like HHC occur in significantly smaller quantities.HHC Chemical Compound

In 1947, the scientist Roger Adams discovered HHC. Adams did not discover HHC in the cannabis plant. Instead, he synthesized HHC from THC through a process called hydrogenation. The process of hydrogenation involves using a catalyst to bond hydrogen atoms to a carbon chain. This process is quite common. For example, margarine is hydrogenated butter. All HHC products on the market today are hydrogenated from THC. Therefore, even though HHC products are synthetic, they are chemically identical to natural HHC.

Despite HHC’s discovery in 1947, HHC was not a commercially available product until the last few years. Although you consume HHC in trace amounts every time you use cannabis products, concentrated HHC products are a recent development. The reason why HHC products exploded in popularity is due to the laws surrounding legal cannabis products.

Legal HHC Products

You may wonder if an alternative cannabinoid like HHC is legal. No matter where you live in the United States, you can legally purchase HHC. However, there are a few caveats due to a legal gray area for hemp products.

The hemp product boom began in 2018 when the United States Congress passed the Farm Bill. The bill legalized growing and selling hemp. Also, it classified hemp as cannabis containing less than 0.3% THC. The idea was to create a market for legal hemp, which is also useful for making clothing and rope, without legalizing psychoactive cannabis. However, we know that THC is not the only psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis. Therefore, manufacturers can extract psychoactive alternative cannabinoids, like HHC, and sell them in legal products across the United States.

The 2018 Farm Bill federally legalized hemp but left some of the legal jurisdiction up to the states. Due to their legal jurisdiction over hemp products, some states outlawed the use and sale of hemp products like HHC. You may consult this list if you want to know if hemp products are legal in your state. Despite these states outlawing the sale and use of these hemp products, you can still legally purchase them anywhere in the United States, even if they are illegal in your state. The answer to this seemingly paradoxical law lies in federal regulations.

States control the legality of hemp product sales within their borders, but the federal government controls interstate commerce. Therefore, if you purchase HHC products online, you can get them legally shipped to any state, even if the sale of HHC products is illegal in your state. So, if you purchase HHC products online at Farma Barn, we can legally ship them to you.

The High From HHC Products

The high from HHC products is not identical to cannabis, although it is quite similar. Many find marijuana gives them a “head” high, while HHC provides a “body” high. The high from marijuana will distort your thought process and make you quite giggly with your mates. HHC will affect how you think and perceive the world, but not nearly as much as marijuana. The HHC high radiates throughout your body, relaxing your muscles and putting you in a sublime state. Also, some people become overly paranoid when using marijuana, but many report little to zero paranoia when taking HHC. If a marijuana high is like a party with your friends, an HHC high is like sliding into a warm bath after a long day at work. Nothing relaxes your body quite like HHC.

Although many people experience HHC the same way, every cannabinoid affects everyone slightly differently. You might find that HHC makes you just as giggly as marijuana or gives you paranoia. Personal experiences vary from person to person, but many feel the same way about HHC. If the typical HHC high sounds like a pleasant feeling, it is definitely worth a shot.

Farma Barn HHC Products

Many of our favorite products at Farma Barn are our HHC products. Our HHC products ship 100% legally anywhere in the country and are sure to provide an enjoyable experience. Here are our best HHC products.

We highly recommend our HHC gummies. These gummies come in a consistent and robust 25mg dose. These gummies take the same amount of time to kick in as marijuana edibles, about 60-90 minutes. The body high from these edibles lasts a while, so be prepared to relax for several hours after taking them.HHC Product - Infused Flower

Another one of our favorite products is our HHC infused flower. We made our infused flower by soaking hemp flower in an HHC oil. After some time, the oil soaks into the sticky flower. Then, you can smoke or vape the flower and enjoy an HHC high. For those who love smoking marijuana, the HHC infused flower is a great way to roll up a joint and enjoy an alternative cannabinoid. Also, mixing HHC infused flower with marijuana gives you the best of both worlds.

Overall, HHC products are not just a replacement for marijuana but are their own alternative experience. Even if you love marijuana and live in a state where it is legal, HHC is worth a try. Remember, if you buy online, HHC products legally ship anywhere in the United States. If you are ready to try a new cannabis experience, try some great HHC products.