Hemp Products For Pets

If you have taken hemp products before, you know the difference they make for your body. Products like CBD tinctures help with aches and pains, getting to sleep, stress relief, and much more. Every person experiences issues like this throughout their life, but these problems are not exclusive to people. Your house pets, like dogs and cats, can also reap the benefits of hemp’s miraculous qualities.

CBD for dogs and pets
CBD helps dogs relax

Just like humans, our pets deal with physical and psychological issues. Hemp products such as CBD can go a long way in improving your pets’ lives. If your pets have chronic pain issues, CBD supplements can help ease their discomfort. CBD can eliminate your pet’s anxiety if they are scared of thunderstorms or fireworks. If your pets have trouble sleeping at night, CBD can ensure they sleep all night long. CBD is a no-brainer for increasing your pets’ quality of life, but before you give them CBD for the first time, you need to learn some essential information about hemp products for pets.

When you give your pets hemp products, there are several critical elements that you must identify. You need to know the appropriate dosage, how CBD differs from other hemp products, how to find products for specific pets and breeds, and much more. In this article, we have collected all the essentials you need to know to ensure your pets receive maximum benefit from hemp products.

Which Hemp Products Can My Pets Use?

When you are a pet owner, their well-being means everything to you. Hemp products are a great way to make your pet feel even better, but only if you administer them safely. Firstly, if your pet is already on medication, you may want to consult your vet if CBD will interfere with their meds. The vet may encourage CBD use, say it is not a good idea, or even recommend replacing CBD with one of their current expensive medications.

Also, you only want to give your pets hemp products that are not psychoactive, specifically ones that do not contain THC. Hemp products like Delta 8, Delta 10, and HHC all contain cannabinoids that are variations of THC. These hemp products can make your pets very sick, so you should stick to hemp products without THC cannabinoids.

Furthermore, you may wonder if regular CBD is safe for your pets. The answer is yes; CBD marketed for humans is also safe for pets, but only specific kinds of CBD. CBD oil and tinctures will be safe for your pets, but CBD gummies are not safe for your pet. Only CBD treats made for pets are safe for them to eat. So, CBD oil, tinctures, and pet treats are ok, but CBD gummies and cookies can be toxic.

Safe CBD Dosages For Your Pets

If you decide to use CBD oil, you need to pay special attention to the dosage you give your pet. The rule of thumb for CBD dosage for house pets is 1 milligram (mg) for every 10 lbs. Especially when you are first giving your pet CBD, you should follow this rule. Although CBD is not psychoactive, a dose that is too large might give your pet cotton mouth or lightheadedness. If you want to keep your pet comfortable, follow the 1 mg per 10 pounds rule. Higher doses may be necessary for pets tCBD oilhat are still struggling, but only after they use CBD for a while beforehand.

Finally, there is some critical information you need to know if you are giving your pet a CBD tincture. A CBD tincture can be an inexpensive and reliable way to administer CBD to your pet. However, CBD tinctures are measured in milliliters (ml) and not milligrams (mg). You need to know how many milligrams of CBD are in a milliliter of your CBD tincture. For example, if a CBD tincture has 10 mg of CBD per 1 ml, a full ml dropper will contain 10 mg of CBD. So, if a tiny 10-pound dog had a 1 ml dose, they would get ten times the recommended dose of CBD. An overdose of CBD will not be fatal for any pet, but they may be uncomfortable for a few hours. Remember, check how many mg per ml of CBD is in a tincture before you give it to your pet.

What Hemp Products Should I Buy For My Pet?

We have already discussed that CBD tinctures made for people are safe for pets, but there are other hemp products for pets. Tinctures are great, but it can be difficult for pets that do not like to take medicine. If your pet hates taking medicine, there are other easier ways to give them CBD.

Many hemp products directly target specific pets. You can find hemp products for dogs, cats, and even horses. Also, some pet hemp products target particular issues and ailments. There are CBD products designed to relax dogs that get anxious around people, thunderstorms, and fireworks. Also, other CBD products can help cats with arthritis. If you know your pet is dealing with specific issues, you can research to find products that target their specific needs.

CBD And My Dog

I am a proud owner of an adorable red toy poodle named Scarlet, so I have firsthand experience with hemp products for dogs. I first discovered hemp products for pets at my local groomer, where I was shocked to find CBD oil near the checkout. Since Scarlet is a toy poodle, she is predisposed to having arthritis issues. I have given her treats to help offset her arthritis for years, but I wanted to do everything to keep her healthy. Now, I give Scarlet CBD oil all the time.  I started putting the CBD oil in her food, usually putting a dropper on a treat or in her food. Also, I  invested in hemp treats that help her sleep better at night. I have found that the hemp products keep her relaxed, and she is more eager to go on long walks. I undoubtedly believe that CBD oil helps Scarlet fight off arthritis, as she is still spry at thirteen years of age!


Using hemp products like CBD is an all-natural way to keep your pet healthy. If your pet has health issues like chronic pain, sleep problems, or anxiety, CBD can work wonders for them. You can use CBD oil or find hemp products designed for specific types, breeds, and sizes of pets, to keep them healthy. Just remember, before giving your pets CBD products, make sure you are doing it safely. If you love your pets like me, CBD will help them live a pain-free, relaxed, and carefree life.