Natural Hemp Products: Making Goodies

It is well known that natural hemp products come from the natural Cannabis Sativa plant. After thousands of years of selective breeding, farmers created the low-THC variant of cannabis, hemp. Farmers grow the plants, and technical specialists help remove cannabinoids, such as CBD and Delta 8 THC, from hemp. These cannabinoids emerge as an oily solution, so how is it transformed into our favorite natural hemp products?

In this blog, we will discuss how cannabinoid oil becomes your favorite hemp product. Suppose you wonder how manufacturers create Delta 8 gummies, THC vapes, or CBD tinctures. In that case, we have the answers to your queries. If you would rather learn about how hemp is grown or how one makes cannabinoid oil from hemp plants, click on the respective links. If you already know about those processes or if making natural hemp products fascinates you the most, you are in the right place.

Cannabinoid Oil

After farmers harvest hemp, they send the hemp flower to specialized labs. These labs use advanced extraction techniques to strip hemp flower of their cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. The result of the extraction is a cannabinoid oil swimming with CBD, Delta 8 THC, Delta 10 THC, and over a hundred other cannabinoids. After a few more steps, they separate the oil into these cannabinoids.

Therefore, all-natural hemp products originate as cannabinoid oil. If you are sucking on a live resin Delta 10 THC vape or chewing on some Delta 10 THC gummies, they started as Delta 10 THC oil. Considering the wide range of available hemp products, you may wonder how manufacturers infuse into every product. We have several examples of how oil makes its way into unlikely products.

Natural Hemp Vapes

Vapes are an obvious example of how cannabinoid oil is a central part of a hemp product. Manufacturers fill vapes with cannabinoid oil. The vape pen heats the cannabinoid oil to a temperature where it changes from liquid to gas. The user then breathes in the gas, also known as vapor, resulting in the ingestion of cannabinoid oil. Although vapes may seem straightforward, some cutting-edge techniques bring vapes to a whole new level.

THCO and Delta8

You may know about a new type of vape, a “live resin” vape. Live resin is similar to cannabinoid oil, but the process is slightly different. The moment farmers harvest hemp, the flower loses valuable terpenes and flavonoids. These natural chemicals enhance the benefits of CBD and psychoactive cannabinoids. To avoid losing terpenes and flavonoids, farmers flash freeze the flower, preserving its freshness. After lab technicians isolate the desired cannabinoid, the resulting oil is significantly more potent than traditional cannabinoid oil. Furthermore, “live rosin” products currently hitting the market are purer than live resin. Although cannabinoid oil is the only hemp product in a vape, not all cannabinoid oil is created equal.

Natural Hemp Gummies

Perhaps the most popular natural hemp product are hemp gummies. They range from purely therapeutic CBD gummies to the euphoric highs of Delta 10 THC gummies. Although each cannabinoid changes how the gummy makes you feel, ranging from sobriety to gob-smacked, they are all made similarly.

Even though gummies may contain different cannabinoids, that is the only alternate ingredient. Companies have proprietary recipes for their gummies that they like to reuse. Therefore, if you have a CBD and Delta 8 gummy from the same company, they will likely look and taste the same. The only difference is the added cannabinoid oil.

Industrial food manufacturing plants mix giant batches of their recipe, usually containing sugar, gelatin, and flavorings. Then, they inject the mixture into gummy-shaped molds. While the gummies cool, they mix in the cannabinoid oil of their choice. Once the gummies cool, they are popped out of the molds and placed into packages. Finally, these natural hemp products arrive on store shelves for our consumption.

Natural Hemp Tinctures

Commonly, there are only CBD hemp tinctures. Although you can find other cannabinoid tinctures, you must search hard for anything other than CBD. The scarcity of alternative cannabinoids is due to the difficulty of creating cannabinoid oils other than CBD.Natural Hemp Product CBD oil

Tinctures and oil are interchangeable terms. The term tincture comes from the process of extracting CBD oil from the hemp flower. The tincture extraction process uses an alcohol solvent (usually ethanol) to remove the oil. CBD is the most abundant cannabinoid in hemp, so the oil is predominantly CBD. Other cannabinoid oils, like Delta 8, are in far smaller quantities. So, you usually see CBD tinctures because other cannabinoid tinctures would be outrageously expensive, 10x expensive or even more!

So, if you rub a CBD tincture on your skin or drink it, you ingest pure cannabinoid oil. Some manufacturers also infuse tinctures with additional terpenes and flavonoids, giving them an extra kick. Others use flavorings to make it tastes slightly different. Therefore, if you ingest CBD tinctures, you bypass gummies, vapor, and smoke, to get straight to the oily source.

Natural Infused Hemp Flower

One of the most incredible natural hemp products is infused flower. Infused flower combines natural hemp flower and cannabinoid oil. You can smoke hemp flower, but you will feel no psychoactive effects. Hemp flower contains a majority of CBD, which is non-psychoactive, so you will not get a buzz from smoking hemp. However, infused flower changed the game for smoking hemp flower.

Psychoactive hemp cannabinoid oil, such as Delta 8 THC, comes from the non-psychoactive hemp plant. Manufacturers reintroduce psychoactive cannabinoid oil to the hemp plant to make hemp get you high. They reintroduce the cannabinoid oil by dipping or spraying the hemp plant with the oil. Once they coat the hemp flower with psychoactive cannabinoids, it becomes psychoactive. When you light up infused flower, you feel the familiar buzz of your favorite cannabinoid oil while smoking the non-psychoactive hemp plant.


From plant to product, natural hemp products undergo quite the journey. From a seed in the ground to a happy feeling in your body, the journey of hemp is essential knowledge for anyone who enjoys natural hemp products. Some hemp products require more manufacturing work than others. Hemp tinctures are pure hemp oil, and vapes burn pure cannabinoid oil. Gummies require a recipe and attention to detail. Interestingly, infused flower brings cannabinoid oil back to its roots, reintroducing its progenitor. Overall, cannabinoid oil is the heart of every natural hemp product. Next time you take a gummy, hit a vape, or roll one up, know that sticky cannabinoid oil makes it all possible.