Getting to Know CBD-A

With so much research going into the hemp plant these past several years, it was only a matter of time before we began to really take a closer look at each of the 100+ cannabinoids that make up much of the plant’s chemical composition.  For a long time, we disregarded “raw” cannabinoids, believing that these cannabinoids only become valuable after they’ve been decarboxylated (heated) and “activated”.  Now, however, we’re realizing that we have been largely wrong, since raw cannabinoids are proving to be extremely useful to us.  And, at the top of the list of raw cannabinoids worth exploring, we have cannabidiolic acid (CBD-A).

Maybe you’ve heard of CBD-A, now that it’s starting to make its way onto the market.  But, if you don’t know the basics of this cannabinoid, you might pass over it, and miss out on all that it’s capable of.  CBDA has lots of extremely exciting properties that just about everyone can get a lot out of.

What Exactly is CBD-A?

Cannabidiolic acid is the precursor to cannabidiol (CBD), being the cannabinoid in its raw and acidic form prior to decarboxylation.  In other words, applying heat to CBD-A converts it automatically into CBD, but in the raw plant form, there is no CBD – only CBDA.  This conversion process activates and transforms specific properties, which is why both are used by the body in very different ways.

We’ve been decarboxylating raw cannabinoids since the beginning of time.  Our ancestors derived properties out of cannabis by heating the plant, usually by smoking.  Only now are we really considering the value of CBD-A and other raw cannabinoid precursors.

Cannabidiolic acid was discovered all the way back in 1965, although research on its specific properties is generally a lot more recent.  At the time it was discovered, we were 5 years before the complete criminalization of cannabis, which is why studies on cannabinoids went onto the back burner.  Because hemp is legal again, since the passing of the Farm Bill in 2018, scientists can finally take a closer look at CBD-A to better understand what makes it unique from the other 100+ cannabinoids in hemp.

Cannabidiolic acid is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, as are all cannabinoids in their raw form, including tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) which converts into tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  Raw cannabinoids are unique in many ways, one of which is how they absorb.  CBD-A, unlike CBD, does not attach to CB1 and CB2 receptors directly.  Instead, CBDA works with enzymes in the body that control various processes, including the Cox-2 enzyme that plays a big role in our inflammatory response.

What are the Main Properties of CBD-A?

Research into cannabidiolic acid’s specific effects is still in its early stages, but already, we know quite a lot about what this cannabinoid can do for the human body.  In fact, here’s what we know so far.

  • Effects on Serotonin Levels: CBD-A has the unique ability to directly influence 5-ht receptors, up to 100 times more strongly than CBD. These receptors in the nervous system control many nervous system processes including nausea and appetite.  These receptors also influence our serotonin levels directly, which influences our mood, stress levels, sleep, sexual function, immune system and more.  CBDA seems to increase serotonin uptake in a way that can be very useful to those who suffer from low serotonin production, and neurotransmitter imbalance.
  • Effects on Inflammation: Studies show that CBDA plays a role in inhibiting the Cox-2 enzyme that controls our inflammatory response. It has been shown by researchers to greatly reduce the influence that this enzyme has over inflammation levels by suppressing inflammation in a way very similar to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Relationship with SARS-CoV-2: A study was published only in January of 2022 that found that CBD-A, when taken with cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), can prevent SARS-CoV-2 from infiltrating the cells of the lung tissue, therefore stopping the virus from turning into the disease known as COVID-19. It seems that CBDA and CBGA attach to the virus’ spike protein, changing its external structure so that it loses its ability to absorb into cells of the body’s organs.

How to Get Started with CBD-A

These studies above are just the tip of the iceberg, as researchers are already exploring cannabidiolic acid for all kinds of fascinating purposes.  So, it’s not hard to guess that most hemp enthusiasts out there are eager to get their hands on it.  The question is, where to start?

First off, CBD-A is a legal cannabinoid in all 50 states, which is good news since some states have banned other cannabinoids which are of a psychoactive nature.  CBDA is non-psychoactive, like we said earlier, and so you don’t have to worry about getting high off of it, if that’s something that you’re trying to avoid.

Naturally, you want to know you’re getting an authentic CBDA product, which is where lab reports come in handy.  CBDA will show up in a lab report, which is provided by a third-party testing facility, so you know that what you’re taking contains a pure, potent and authentic serving of cannabidiolic acid.

So, how can you get CBD-A for yourself?

Well, cannabidiolic acid is abundant in raw hemp flower, since technically, raw flower doesn’t contain any cannabidiol, but instead CBD-A.  Like we said, it’s heating the raw flower that converts it into CBD.  Still, we don’t think anyone wants to munch on raw flower buds, which’s why companies like Farma Barn are producing much more user-friendly CBDA products.  These products use cold-pressing techniques to extract CBDA from the plant material without heating it to the point that it gets converted into CBD.

If you’re ready to give CBD-A a try, consider the product type/delivery method, as you would with any cannabinoid.  As for now, here are the types of CBDA products that you’re most likely to find.  Remember, CBDA turns into CBD when it’s heated, so it is unlikely that you’ll see CBDA vapes on the market any time soon.

  • Tinctures: CBD-A is most popular to consume as a tincture, which contains pure cannabidiolic acid isolate combined with a carrier oil. Tinctures are administered sublingually, absorbing below the tongue and coming in a variety of milligram strengths to choose from.  They take effect in about 30-45 minutes, lasting for up to 4 or so hours.
  • Gummies: CBD-A gummies promise up to 8 hours of effects, and even feel a bit more subtle in the system. Also taste delicious, which’s always a plus, and are easy to portion out since each piece contains the same number of milligrams of CBDA.
  • Capsules: CBD-A capsules are a great alternative to gummies, since they absorb and work in the same way, but contain fewer ingredients.
  • Isolates: CBD-A isolates are just pure cannabidiolic acid extracts which can be taken on their own or diluted as you so choose.

CBDA: Raw, Powerful, and Capable of Transforming Your Routine

Given the attention that researchers are giving to cannabidiolic acid, clearly, this raw, acidic cannabinoid is the next big thing on the hemp market.  And, the good news is that it’s becoming easier and easier to find so that you can make it part of your routine and see for yourself what it’s capable of.  At Farma Barn, you can try on one of the purest and most potent CBD-A Tinctures available on the market, containing 1200 milligrams of this cannabinoid per bottle, paired with natural ingredients for gentle effects and high bioavailability levels.